I spent an evening at the very popular El Matador Beach in Malibu, California. And no wonder it is so popular: fantastic rock formations protruding from the sea with the sun setting just behind the cliff. From locals just basking in the sun, to tourists coming to see the site, to dozens of photographers and their subjects strewn about the rocks, this place attracts a wide range of people.
The dangers are apparent though, as massive waves slam in to rocks. Many onlookers laugh at those who play chicken with the waves. A poor couple got caught by the rising tide and forced out of a hole by a blitzing wave. In the end, the love birds strolled away with a few scrapes and a story for later.
I obsess over the cliffs into the Pacific Ocean. Perhaps one day I can make the trek up to Big Sur. But this day I enjoyed El Matador Beach. All shot through my Pentax 6x7 and Portra 800.
El Matador Beach Rock Long Exposure Pentax 67
Long Exposure at El Matador Beach in Malibu, California. Shot on a Pentax 67 with the 55mm f/4 lens. Shot on Kodak Portra 800
Malibu Sunset Pentax 67 Medium Format Film
Light streaming around the rocks at El Matador Beach. Portra 800 shot on Pentax 67 with 105mm f/2.4 lens.
El Matador Beach Entrance Pentax 67 Medium Format Film
The path down to the amazing El Matador Beach. Shot on Portra 800 with a Pentax 67 with the 105mm f/2.4 lens.
El Matador Beach Rocks - Pentax 67 Portra 800
Rocks protrude from the Pacific Ocean at El Matador Beach outside of Malibu, California. Shot on Portra 800 through a Pentax 67 and the 105mm f/2.4 lens.