Film Photography at Jennette's Pier
Jennette’s Pier on Portra 400
Views from the best pier in the Outer Banks with my Mamiya 6
Outer Banks Film Photography
Time to kill in the Outer Banks is not a problem, at least not with my Mamiya 6 and a roll of Portra 400. Waiting for some friends for what would be an amazing sunset, I dropped a couple of bucks for a visitor’s pass at Jennette’s Pier and strolled along looking for those compositions. Popped a roll of my favorite film in that square beast with the 75mm f/3.5 and took in the scenes around me. No shallow portraits here, just fully locked in at f/11 and 1/500 with this bright, contrasty light.
Film photographers know these days that rolls of Portra 400 don’t come cheap (or easy), yet this harsh light gave me a new challenge: document life around the pier and use the light to my advantage. It’s so easy to sit and wait for that great sunset light. You can photograph a trashcan at sunset, post to Instagram and ride off with a stupid amount of “vibes and tones” comments.
My favorite image came as I walked towards the exit. The sun was starting to get fairly low, which meant the beach goers were all heading home for dinner. All except this one man staring off into the rough surf chillin’ to the full max. No cooler, no worries, no fucks. This man was the epitome of vacation mode. His positioning just out of the rough water’s reach spoke many words to this man’s life and the lessons he has learned. Just out of the reach of danger, but close enough for the thrill.
The surf this day was intense, as from north to south the waters remained empty with fears of rip currents threatening even the most experienced of swimmers. Waves pounded the pier below, which stood as if it was in a frozen lake, completely unaffected.
Film photography in the Outer Banks has brought me a sense of purpose to document. We photographers love to document things that change, we typically think of our family and friends. But this sand bar isn’t meant to remain, and these pounding waves remind all those who live along this coast that Mother Nature will win. Eventually.
These places are here now though to enjoy for those who live and breath this salty air. It’s always a great day at the pier.
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